Senior Care in Sharon

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Sherry-Ann B.
1 Verification
  • From $25 /hr
  • Sharon
1 Verification
Caregiver. Independent Contractor
| I can provide a certificate of liability insurance. My goal is to help individuals maintain maximum independence safely within their own homes. Certified in several aspects of care such as meal planning, personal grooming, Alzheimer's and Dementia care, I possess wide-ranging caregiving expertise. I am trained in dealing with various illnesses including Parkinson's, Stroke, Diabetes, and more. I hold certifications in Caregiving, First Aid, and CPR. I can work in home healthcare settings, retirement homes and long term care. I am a non-smoker, fluent in English, and open to obtaining a police check. Looking forward to providing top-quality personalized care for your loved ones. I am an Independent Contractor and I've worked with clients with: Strokes, Alzheimer's/Dementia, Hypertension, Aphasia, Diabetes, Cancer, Mobility issues, Kidney problems(dialysis treatments) and Legal Blindness
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  • From $25 /hr
  • Sharon
Caregiver. Independent Contractor
| I can provide a certificate of liability insurance. My goal is to help individuals maintain maximum independence safely within their own homes. Certified in several aspects of care such as meal planning, personal grooming, Alzheimer's and Dementia care, I possess wide-ranging caregiving expertise. I am trained in dealing with various illnesses including Parkinson's, Stroke, Diabetes, and more. I hold certifications in Caregiving, First Aid, and CPR. I can work in home healthcare settings, retirement homes and long term care. I am a non-smoker, fluent in English, and open to obtaining a police check. Looking forward to providing top-quality personalized care for your loved ones. I am an Independent Contractor and I've worked with clients with: Strokes, Alzheimer's/Dementia, Hypertension, Aphasia, Diabetes, Cancer, Mobility issues, Kidney problems(dialysis treatments) and Legal Blindness
... more
From $25 per hour \
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Senior Care in Sharon

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