Senior Care in Saint-Jerome

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Andre B.
1 Verification
  • From $30 /hr
  • Saint-Jerome
1 Verification
Mature Man to Enable Low Activity People
| I am happy to help patiently , minimum 3 hours per session. I have experience in preparing food for Diebetic clients and for people who are unable to chew their own food. Also I am able to fed patiently. I am able to accompany for appointments , shopping , going out for lunch or coffee. Either in my own vichule or go on adaptive transport. I can wash laundry and fold , dusting , cleaning in general. I also happy to care for a friendly pet . Please contact me to discuss with me your needs .
... more
  • From $30 /hr
  • Saint-Jerome
Mature Man to Enable Low Activity People
| I am happy to help patiently , minimum 3 hours per session. I have experience in preparing food for Diebetic clients and for people who are unable to chew their own food. Also I am able to fed patiently. I am able to accompany for appointments , shopping , going out for lunch or coffee. Either in my own vichule or go on adaptive transport. I can wash laundry and fold , dusting , cleaning in general. I also happy to care for a friendly pet . Please contact me to discuss with me your needs .
... more
From $30 per hour \
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Senior Care in Saint-Jerome

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