Senior Care in Prince Twp

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Debbie E.
  • From $25 /hr
  • Prince Twp
I Am Reliable Caring And Loving Person
| I care for people as if they were my own family and how I'd want them treated. I'm very passionate about senior care, kind, caring, calm and very patient and empathetic. I'm able to provide both physical and emotional support to clients, help with meal preparation, medication reminders, bathing and dressing, bathroom assistance, companion care
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  • From $25 /hr
  • Prince Twp
I Am Reliable Caring And Loving Person
| I care for people as if they were my own family and how I'd want them treated. I'm very passionate about senior care, kind, caring, calm and very patient and empathetic. I'm able to provide both physical and emotional support to clients, help with meal preparation, medication reminders, bathing and dressing, bathroom assistance, companion care
... more
From $25 per hour \
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Senior Care in Prince Twp

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