Senior Care in Portage La Prairie

Choose from 7 senior caregivers in your area.
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When do you need senior care?
Karina K.
  • From $16 /hr
  • Portage La Prairie
Just a kind human.
| I am just a kind human who understands the challenges seniors may face as they go through different changes in their lives physically, socially and emotionally. My mom is a senior so I have experience of seeing her go through good and bad changes in her life and have been there to support her. I am raising a son right now who is very young so I do need a bit of an extra income but also to show him what kindness and compassion for others looks like.
... more
  • From $16 /hr
  • Portage La Prairie
Just a kind human.
| I am just a kind human who understands the challenges seniors may face as they go through different changes in their lives physically, socially and emotionally. My mom is a senior so I have experience of seeing her go through good and bad changes in her life and have been there to support her. I am raising a son right now who is very young so I do need a bit of an extra income but also to show him what kindness and compassion for others looks like.
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From $16 per hour \
Nicole R.
1 Verification
  • From $40 /hr
  • Portage La Prairie
1 Verification
Loving, trustworthy nurse looking to provide personal care
| I am a reliable, friendly, and compassionate person who thrives in helping others. I have been an LPN for 20 years and I have very broad scope of experience including home care, pediatric care and long term care. I am looking to find work in the care giver area on a more personal basis. I have reliable transportation and I am flexible with time and will do my best to accommodate my clients to meet their needs. I am looking for work in providing care for any age group from pediatrics to the elderly.
... more
  • From $40 /hr
  • Portage La Prairie
Loving, trustworthy nurse looking to provide personal care
| I am a reliable, friendly, and compassionate person who thrives in helping others. I have been an LPN for 20 years and I have very broad scope of experience including home care, pediatric care and long term care. I am looking to find work in the care giver area on a more personal basis. I have reliable transportation and I am flexible with time and will do my best to accommodate my clients to meet their needs. I am looking for work in providing care for any age group from pediatrics to the elderly.
... more
From $40 per hour \
Kelly J.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Portage La Prairie
I am a very good and friendly person who has 4 adult children and 4 grandchildren
| I have been a direct support worker for over 8 years and love spending time with people
... more
  • From $20 /hr
  • Portage La Prairie
I am a very good and friendly person who has 4 adult children and 4 grandchildren
| I have been a direct support worker for over 8 years and love spending time with people
... more
From $20 per hour \
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Senior Care in Portage La Prairie

When do you need senior care?