Senior Care in Pitt Meadows

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When do you need senior care?
Ana Maria S.
  • From $13 /hr
  • Pitt Meadows
Good care for Saturday and Sunday and not only: Monday to Friday after 5 p.m
| VCC Student as Health Care Assistant, I am looking to improve my skills and abilities to provide care for persons with disabilities and not only. I have good knowledge in health care and it is very important to increase my education and knowledge every day. Good skills and good communication. I am looking for a job, Saturday and Sunday to offer my help, knowledge, and support for people with special needs.
... more
  • From $13 /hr
  • Pitt Meadows
Good care for Saturday and Sunday and not only: Monday to Friday after 5 p.m
| VCC Student as Health Care Assistant, I am looking to improve my skills and abilities to provide care for persons with disabilities and not only. I have good knowledge in health care and it is very important to increase my education and knowledge every day. Good skills and good communication. I am looking for a job, Saturday and Sunday to offer my help, knowledge, and support for people with special needs.
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From $13 per hour \
Jessica R.
1 Verification
  • From $18 /hr
  • Pitt Meadows
1 Verification
Looking to help seniors, special needs, children, and general care employment.
| My grandmother had dementia and my uncle schizophrenia. I always worked with the handicapped growing up and love children and animals. It's always been my dream to open an affordable retirement home/animal sanctuary. I've had 3 car accidents in the last 3 years and cannot go back to the jobs I was doing before. Helping people has always been at the top of my priority list so I'm very eager to get into this line of work. I recently adopted 2 senior dogs that I'd like to make therapy dogs as well :)
... more
  • From $18 /hr
  • Pitt Meadows
Looking to help seniors, special needs, children, and general care employment.
| My grandmother had dementia and my uncle schizophrenia. I always worked with the handicapped growing up and love children and animals. It's always been my dream to open an affordable retirement home/animal sanctuary. I've had 3 car accidents in the last 3 years and cannot go back to the jobs I was doing before. Helping people has always been at the top of my priority list so I'm very eager to get into this line of work. I recently adopted 2 senior dogs that I'd like to make therapy dogs as well :)
... more
From $18 per hour \
hands together
1 Verification
  • From $18 /hr
  • Pitt Meadows
1 Verification
Caring is my passion and mission into this world.
| I can provide senior care since January 2022 9 to 2 pm or at night too after 6 pm. I Am a joyful person that put lots of passion into serving others.
... more
  • From $18 /hr
  • Pitt Meadows
Caring is my passion and mission into this world.
| I can provide senior care since January 2022 9 to 2 pm or at night too after 6 pm. I Am a joyful person that put lots of passion into serving others.
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From $18 per hour \
Simi Wunmi F.
1 Verification
  • From $18 /hr
  • Pitt Meadows
1 Verification
| Compassionate, kind and respite caregiver, I have worked in a nursing Care home for ageing adults with different ageing diseases. I tended to bathing, grooming, dressing, feeding, incontinence and generally giving companionship. I have the skills of empathy and understanding with the ability to see things from clients perspective and deliver care based on individual needs. With my experience dealing with difficult cases, I developed good listening and communication skills with the ability to calm any situation while remaining calm also. I also have the capability to effectively respond to emergency situations. I am flexible and adaptable and can manage large workloads and withstand stress. I pay good attention to detail and strictly follow rules and regulations that caregiving requires.
... more
  • From $18 /hr
  • Pitt Meadows
| Compassionate, kind and respite caregiver, I have worked in a nursing Care home for ageing adults with different ageing diseases. I tended to bathing, grooming, dressing, feeding, incontinence and generally giving companionship. I have the skills of empathy and understanding with the ability to see things from clients perspective and deliver care based on individual needs. With my experience dealing with difficult cases, I developed good listening and communication skills with the ability to calm any situation while remaining calm also. I also have the capability to effectively respond to emergency situations. I am flexible and adaptable and can manage large workloads and withstand stress. I pay good attention to detail and strictly follow rules and regulations that caregiving requires.
... more
From $18 per hour \
Michael R.
  • From $16 /hr
  • Pitt Meadows
Driver for people in need
| Bus driver for 26 years in Vancouver. Cared for seniors while boarding my bus also cared for the disabled with wheelchairs or scooters and walkers.
... more
  • From $16 /hr
  • Pitt Meadows
Driver for people in need
| Bus driver for 26 years in Vancouver. Cared for seniors while boarding my bus also cared for the disabled with wheelchairs or scooters and walkers.
... more
From $16 per hour \
Did you know...
The average hourly rate for senior caregivers in Pitt Meadows is between $20 and $25
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Senior Care in Pitt Meadows

When do you need senior care?