Senior Care in Penhold

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Charlene P.
  • From $22 /hr
  • Penhold
Compassionate Caregiver, In-Home Support Person
| Greetings, my name is Charlene and I have been a HCA and personal care attendant since 2000. I have worked in various patient care settings and provide a variety of specialized care. I am familiar, but not limited to: meal prep and planning, laundry, cleaning, post operative care, dressing changes, administration of medication, prescription drop off and pick up, transfer, transportation of clients. I have a support animal that is ready and willing to accompany any client that would like her care and attentiveness. I am a kind, caring individual, that has the energy and drive to give my clients a warm and compassionate approach.
... more
  • From $22 /hr
  • Penhold
Compassionate Caregiver, In-Home Support Person
| Greetings, my name is Charlene and I have been a HCA and personal care attendant since 2000. I have worked in various patient care settings and provide a variety of specialized care. I am familiar, but not limited to: meal prep and planning, laundry, cleaning, post operative care, dressing changes, administration of medication, prescription drop off and pick up, transfer, transportation of clients. I have a support animal that is ready and willing to accompany any client that would like her care and attentiveness. I am a kind, caring individual, that has the energy and drive to give my clients a warm and compassionate approach.
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From $22 per hour \
Dawn O.
1 Verification
  • From $17 /hr
  • Penhold
1 Verification
Customer Service Specialist
| I have looked after my aunt who was pallative care until the end of her days. I also looked after to my sister-in-law after surgery for a couple of weeks where I fed the family? Did the dishes, house work and got the kid off to school. I like helping people in general.
... more
  • From $17 /hr
  • Penhold
Customer Service Specialist
| I have looked after my aunt who was pallative care until the end of her days. I also looked after to my sister-in-law after surgery for a couple of weeks where I fed the family? Did the dishes, house work and got the kid off to school. I like helping people in general.
... more
From $17 per hour \
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Senior Care in Penhold

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