Senior Care in North Gower

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Jennifer V.
  • From $14 /hr
  • North Gower
Responsible, trustworthy Caregiver.
| My background is in Natural Health Nutrition. My family has weekly visits with a senior lady in her 90's. It is always a pleasure to make tea, converse and if the weather is fine go for walks together. My volunteer experience through a youth volunteer program (2000), had me volunteering at a Seniors Center. I assisted with meal preparation, serving food, cleaning, as well as companion sitting. I very much enjoy spending time with seniors. I am very personable and a great listener. I worked at a health food store in Ottawa before moving to North Gower to raise my family. My children are now school aged and I am looking to get back into the workforce, hopefully locally. I am available Monday - Friday, 8am - 4pm
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  • From $14 /hr
  • North Gower
Responsible, trustworthy Caregiver.
| My background is in Natural Health Nutrition. My family has weekly visits with a senior lady in her 90's. It is always a pleasure to make tea, converse and if the weather is fine go for walks together. My volunteer experience through a youth volunteer program (2000), had me volunteering at a Seniors Center. I assisted with meal preparation, serving food, cleaning, as well as companion sitting. I very much enjoy spending time with seniors. I am very personable and a great listener. I worked at a health food store in Ottawa before moving to North Gower to raise my family. My children are now school aged and I am looking to get back into the workforce, hopefully locally. I am available Monday - Friday, 8am - 4pm
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From $14 per hour \
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Senior Care in North Gower

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