Senior Care in Middle Musquodoboit

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Felicia L.
  • From $35 /hr
  • Middle Musquodoboit
I'm a Dalhousie student and would like to add on to the clients I'm currently working with.
| Hello all, I am a certified cca and I have over 5 years experience with VON and 3 years privately. I'm currently working privately and would like to add on a couple more clients. Visits would include, but not limited to: Morning or evening care(can be daily or as needed) Breakfast, Lunch, or suppers(including weekends if needed) Respites for families or self Engaging in activities enjoyed by client Leisurely drives Light Housekeeping (which can be weekly, biweekly or monthly) Just to name a few. Possibly willing to take on part time and casual. (35 hourly- rate has increased) Please message me with any other questions or to set up an appointment to meet. References will be provided on request, also I am pet friendly
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  • From $35 /hr
  • Middle Musquodoboit
I'm a Dalhousie student and would like to add on to the clients I'm currently working with.
| Hello all, I am a certified cca and I have over 5 years experience with VON and 3 years privately. I'm currently working privately and would like to add on a couple more clients. Visits would include, but not limited to: Morning or evening care(can be daily or as needed) Breakfast, Lunch, or suppers(including weekends if needed) Respites for families or self Engaging in activities enjoyed by client Leisurely drives Light Housekeeping (which can be weekly, biweekly or monthly) Just to name a few. Possibly willing to take on part time and casual. (35 hourly- rate has increased) Please message me with any other questions or to set up an appointment to meet. References will be provided on request, also I am pet friendly
... more
From $35 per hour \
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Senior Care in Middle Musquodoboit

When do you need senior care?