Senior Care in Lowbanks

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Heather F.
1 Verification
  • From $17 /hr
  • Lowbanks
1 Verification
Meals and Mobility helper
| I am a veterinary technician experienced not just with the physical needs of pets of all ages bur also the emotional needs of their humans. I've worked curious energetic children and folks in their golden years feeling overwhelmed with the many changes affecting their way of life. I have meal prepped for grandparents based on their preferences and assisted in rearranging their homes to suit their changed mobility needs
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  • From $17 /hr
  • Lowbanks
Meals and Mobility helper
| I am a veterinary technician experienced not just with the physical needs of pets of all ages bur also the emotional needs of their humans. I've worked curious energetic children and folks in their golden years feeling overwhelmed with the many changes affecting their way of life. I have meal prepped for grandparents based on their preferences and assisted in rearranging their homes to suit their changed mobility needs
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From $17 per hour \
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Senior Care in Lowbanks

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