Senior Care in Little Britain

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1 Verification Hired once
  • From $25 /hr
  • Little Britain
1 Verification Hired once
10 + years plus compassionate care giver/ companion/palliative care
| I have at least 10+ years experience as caregiver. It all started with assisting my grandmother by aiding her with all aspects of daily living, including medication preparation, am care including peri-care, showers, toileting and transfers, running errands, transporting and escorting her to doctor appointments. I have been a caregiver to seniors who just need a hand and general companionship or extensive assistance Over the years I have assisted people with special needs, those recovering from surgery, those with dementia or those whom are palliative.. I truly believe that with help our seniors still have so much to contribute to their friends, families and .
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  • From $25 /hr
  • Little Britain
10 + years plus compassionate care giver/ companion/palliative care
| I have at least 10+ years experience as caregiver. It all started with assisting my grandmother by aiding her with all aspects of daily living, including medication preparation, am care including peri-care, showers, toileting and transfers, running errands, transporting and escorting her to doctor appointments. I have been a caregiver to seniors who just need a hand and general companionship or extensive assistance Over the years I have assisted people with special needs, those recovering from surgery, those with dementia or those whom are palliative.. I truly believe that with help our seniors still have so much to contribute to their friends, families and .
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From $25 per hour \
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Senior Care in Little Britain

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