Senior Care in Komoka

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Emily B.
  • From $35 /hr
  • Komoka
Emily- Developmental Services Worker
| If you’re looking for Special Needs care, child care, elderly care, pet care, some light house work & meals, transportation, a care plan, and all around a companion for your loved ones then please look no further! I have a collective 6/7 years working in the field and have been volunteering in the field for longer than I can remember. I have experience in the following with all age ranges: -13 years babysitting -1 full year nannying -4 years employment in high behaviour & medical group home (managing a caseload) -First aid & CPR -CPI certification (non violent crisis intervention) -College placement at Child and Parent Resource Institute (CPRI)
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  • From $35 /hr
  • Komoka
Emily- Developmental Services Worker
| If you’re looking for Special Needs care, child care, elderly care, pet care, some light house work & meals, transportation, a care plan, and all around a companion for your loved ones then please look no further! I have a collective 6/7 years working in the field and have been volunteering in the field for longer than I can remember. I have experience in the following with all age ranges: -13 years babysitting -1 full year nannying -4 years employment in high behaviour & medical group home (managing a caseload) -First aid & CPR -CPI certification (non violent crisis intervention) -College placement at Child and Parent Resource Institute (CPRI)
... more
From $35 per hour \
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Senior Care in Komoka

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