Senior Care in Indian Mountain

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Amy A.
  • From $18 /hr
  • Indian Mountain
Looking to help you live your best life, and help you tackle that to do list with a smile.
| I am a highly personable, energetic and reliable worker. Although I do not have direct experience working with senior citizens, I do have 16 years experience in hospitality and service. In addition to this I also have a background in carpentry, landscape and housekeeping. I am a single mother of a wonderful 12 year old girl, I also have a small hobby farm at home raising chickens, pigs and of course my dog. I spend my free time gardening and working around the house. Currently I am employed as a casual farmhand/ housekeeper. I believe that this career path aligns with my skillset, as I truly enjoy the company of senior citizens, and I am very good at building relationships with most people I meet. I am willing and able to care for seniors as well as tackle any minor house repairs, gardening duties, cleaning, errands into town to shop or simply to have an outing with the senior who chooses me. I love to make a positive difference in people's lives. Please reach out to me if you are wanting great company, excellent work ethic, and a caregiver with a strong set of trades skills to maximize your investment in me.
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  • From $18 /hr
  • Indian Mountain
Looking to help you live your best life, and help you tackle that to do list with a smile.
| I am a highly personable, energetic and reliable worker. Although I do not have direct experience working with senior citizens, I do have 16 years experience in hospitality and service. In addition to this I also have a background in carpentry, landscape and housekeeping. I am a single mother of a wonderful 12 year old girl, I also have a small hobby farm at home raising chickens, pigs and of course my dog. I spend my free time gardening and working around the house. Currently I am employed as a casual farmhand/ housekeeper. I believe that this career path aligns with my skillset, as I truly enjoy the company of senior citizens, and I am very good at building relationships with most people I meet. I am willing and able to care for seniors as well as tackle any minor house repairs, gardening duties, cleaning, errands into town to shop or simply to have an outing with the senior who chooses me. I love to make a positive difference in people's lives. Please reach out to me if you are wanting great company, excellent work ethic, and a caregiver with a strong set of trades skills to maximize your investment in me.
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From $18 per hour \
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Senior Care in Indian Mountain

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