Senior Care in Elmvale

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Krista C.
Hired once
  • From $12 /hr
  • Barrie
Hired once
Friendly, experienced with complex needs
| I have 7 years professional experience working with adults and seniors with special needs. I have experience with feeding assistance; g-tube feeding; personal care including dressing, bathing, changing; suctioning, meal preparation including pureeing food and thickening liquids; behavioural management training; etc. I am very involved in my local church and having experience working in a seniors care facilities. I also have personal experience caring for elderly family members.
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  • From $12 /hr
  • Barrie
Friendly, experienced with complex needs
| I have 7 years professional experience working with adults and seniors with special needs. I have experience with feeding assistance; g-tube feeding; personal care including dressing, bathing, changing; suctioning, meal preparation including pureeing food and thickening liquids; behavioural management training; etc. I am very involved in my local church and having experience working in a seniors care facilities. I also have personal experience caring for elderly family members.
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From $12 per hour \
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Senior Care in Elmvale

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