Senior Care in Crystal Beach

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Katharine L.
1 Verification
  • From $20 /hr
  • Crystal Beach
1 Verification
Caring and experienced home support.
| I would enjoy supporting you or a member in your family with home support. I offer companionship with fun and safe activities that are person-centered. I can run errands, grocery shop, take to appointments and provide meal preparation and clean up. I do laundry, linen changes and light tidying. I can also care for any pets in the home. I have worked for the Red Cross as a Homemaker and as a Respite Companion for those with Dementia for the Niagara Region.
... more
  • From $20 /hr
  • Crystal Beach
Caring and experienced home support.
| I would enjoy supporting you or a member in your family with home support. I offer companionship with fun and safe activities that are person-centered. I can run errands, grocery shop, take to appointments and provide meal preparation and clean up. I do laundry, linen changes and light tidying. I can also care for any pets in the home. I have worked for the Red Cross as a Homemaker and as a Respite Companion for those with Dementia for the Niagara Region.
... more
From $20 per hour \
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Senior Care in Crystal Beach

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