Senior Care in Claremont

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Pelin T.
1 Verification
  • From $20 /hr
  • Claremont
1 Verification
From A to Z Compassionate Senior Care
| I am a compassionate person above and foremost. I have 7 yrs of experience taking care of my elderly parents. My father has recently passed away at the age of 90 of dementia. There was nothing else I wanted to do but take care of him. I now feel like this is my calling and have experience in dealing with elderly care before and after mobility issues. I am adaptive to many situations, from transportation to doctor appointments to in home care to companionship. I understand how difficult it can be for most families to find quality care for their aging parents. I look forward to making a positive impact in someone's life. Sincerely Pelin
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Claremont
From A to Z Compassionate Senior Care
| I am a compassionate person above and foremost. I have 7 yrs of experience taking care of my elderly parents. My father has recently passed away at the age of 90 of dementia. There was nothing else I wanted to do but take care of him. I now feel like this is my calling and have experience in dealing with elderly care before and after mobility issues. I am adaptive to many situations, from transportation to doctor appointments to in home care to companionship. I understand how difficult it can be for most families to find quality care for their aging parents. I look forward to making a positive impact in someone's life. Sincerely Pelin
... more
From $20 per hour \
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Senior Care in Claremont

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