Senior Care in Campden

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Jennifer C.
1 Verification
  • From $21 /hr
  • Campden
1 Verification
Graduated Practical Nursing Student
| I am currently a graduated Practical Nursing student from Mohawk College, I am awaiting to take my registration exam. I have many transferable skills from various clinical placements throughout my nursing school experience. Primarily, I did my final placement at McMaster Children's Hospital in postpartum which has allowed me to broaden my scope on the postpartum/mother-baby processes.
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  • From $21 /hr
  • Campden
Graduated Practical Nursing Student
| I am currently a graduated Practical Nursing student from Mohawk College, I am awaiting to take my registration exam. I have many transferable skills from various clinical placements throughout my nursing school experience. Primarily, I did my final placement at McMaster Children's Hospital in postpartum which has allowed me to broaden my scope on the postpartum/mother-baby processes.
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From $21 per hour \
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Senior Care in Campden

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