Senior Care in Campbellford

Choose from 9 senior caregivers in your area.
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Autumn C.
1 Verification
  • From $14 /hr
  • Campbellford
1 Verification
Eager to help you with what you need. Senior Carer
| I am not trained, I do know basic care and I am very kind and eager to learn and help. Senior Carer
... more
  • From $14 /hr
  • Campbellford
Eager to help you with what you need. Senior Carer
| I am not trained, I do know basic care and I am very kind and eager to learn and help. Senior Carer
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From $14 per hour \
Amanda S.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Campbellford
Hi my name is Amanda I am a caregiver living in Campbellford, Ontario.
| I have years experience in home care with seniors, disabled and children. I can provide references and a criminal record check. I have more than seven years of experience in caregiving as well as years of experience providing exceptional customer service. My hands on training was first gained in Toronto at Lyndhurst rehabilitation center. I have had experience as a live in caregiver for a male paraplegic. Then shortly after started working for Cardinal Nannies and Caregivers and currently working for Neural rehabilitation group. Thank you for taking a look at my profile, I hope to be a perfect match for you and I can help you! Amanda
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Campbellford
Hi my name is Amanda I am a caregiver living in Campbellford, Ontario.
| I have years experience in home care with seniors, disabled and children. I can provide references and a criminal record check. I have more than seven years of experience in caregiving as well as years of experience providing exceptional customer service. My hands on training was first gained in Toronto at Lyndhurst rehabilitation center. I have had experience as a live in caregiver for a male paraplegic. Then shortly after started working for Cardinal Nannies and Caregivers and currently working for Neural rehabilitation group. Thank you for taking a look at my profile, I hope to be a perfect match for you and I can help you! Amanda
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From $20 per hour \
Dawn E.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Campbellford
Certified Personal Support Worker
| I have completed my PSW certification and have done hours in long term care as well as in home care.
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Campbellford
Certified Personal Support Worker
| I have completed my PSW certification and have done hours in long term care as well as in home care.
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From $20 per hour \
Wanda M.
1 Verification
  • From $20 /hr
  • Campbellford
1 Verification
13 years experience in home care
| Caring thoughtful individual. Willing to work hard and take great care
... more
  • From $20 /hr
  • Campbellford
13 years experience in home care
| Caring thoughtful individual. Willing to work hard and take great care
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From $20 per hour \
Melanie M.
1 Verification
  • From $30 /hr
  • Campbellford
1 Verification
Registered Practical nurse. Fitness instructor
| Hello my name is Melanie. I am a Registered Practical Nurse . I have experienced working with a Quadriplegic client for 3.5 years. I also have experience in older adult fitness and health promotion.
... more
  • From $30 /hr
  • Campbellford
Registered Practical nurse. Fitness instructor
| Hello my name is Melanie. I am a Registered Practical Nurse . I have experienced working with a Quadriplegic client for 3.5 years. I also have experience in older adult fitness and health promotion.
... more
From $30 per hour \
Did you know...
The average hourly rate for senior caregivers in Campbellford is between $19 and $24
Marsha C.
1 Verification
  • From $14 /hr
  • Campbellford
1 Verification
I am very good with senior people and I work very hard
| I have been a program manager, a project manage and a training manager
... more
  • From $14 /hr
  • Campbellford
I am very good with senior people and I work very hard
| I have been a program manager, a project manage and a training manager
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From $14 per hour \
Michelle M.
  • From $25 /hr
  • Campbellford
In-home Care - Campbellford area
| I am a reliable, caring and competent individual looking to supplement my income by providing some in-home care for seniors. I have tremendous cleaning experience having worked for several cleaning contractors and as an entrepreneur myself. Finally, I have personal experience with elderly care having cared for my aging parents in a palliative at home program. I do not have medical or nurse experience, but have first hand experience and a deep understanding of support needs and the family concerns. I live in the quaint village of Campbellord and have my own transportation. Please contact me to discuss opportunities for home and your loved ones care.
... more
  • From $25 /hr
  • Campbellford
In-home Care - Campbellford area
| I am a reliable, caring and competent individual looking to supplement my income by providing some in-home care for seniors. I have tremendous cleaning experience having worked for several cleaning contractors and as an entrepreneur myself. Finally, I have personal experience with elderly care having cared for my aging parents in a palliative at home program. I do not have medical or nurse experience, but have first hand experience and a deep understanding of support needs and the family concerns. I live in the quaint village of Campbellord and have my own transportation. Please contact me to discuss opportunities for home and your loved ones care.
... more
From $25 per hour \
Dawn E.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Campbellford
Certified Personal Support Worker
| I am a private Certified Personal Support Worker in the Trent hills area. I can help with errands or personal care whatever your loved one may need. I Will supply my own PPE and take the most detailed precautions for your loved one's health and safety.
... more
  • From $20 /hr
  • Campbellford
Certified Personal Support Worker
| I am a private Certified Personal Support Worker in the Trent hills area. I can help with errands or personal care whatever your loved one may need. I Will supply my own PPE and take the most detailed precautions for your loved one's health and safety.
... more
From $20 per hour \
Tobi G.
  • From $25 /hr
  • Campbellford
I have pervious experience in seniors care working with community care.
| Mature enthusiastic female willing to help out seniors in there homes in my spare time. I am capable and will to assist with any tasks required.
... more
  • From $25 /hr
  • Campbellford
I have pervious experience in seniors care working with community care.
| Mature enthusiastic female willing to help out seniors in there homes in my spare time. I am capable and will to assist with any tasks required.
... more
From $25 per hour \
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Senior Care in Campbellford

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