Senior Care in Bourget

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Sharon O.
1 Verification Hired once
  • From $20 /hr
  • Bourget
1 Verification Hired once
Caregiver for seniors - speaks English only - Bourget K0A 1E0
| I have cared for Seniors in several nursing homes and in their private homes for many years throughout my life. I have recently provided companion assistance, which involves keeping company with clients in their home or nursing home/hospital. If necessary, I will prepare a light meal. I also drove a handicapped school bus for 20 years. I do not have a PSW certificate but have been trained in CPR/First Aid. I have a Police Check, up-to-date immunizations and my own vehicle. References from previous clients can be provided. I am only looking for part-time hrs within the Rockland/Bourget area.
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Bourget
Caregiver for seniors - speaks English only - Bourget K0A 1E0
| I have cared for Seniors in several nursing homes and in their private homes for many years throughout my life. I have recently provided companion assistance, which involves keeping company with clients in their home or nursing home/hospital. If necessary, I will prepare a light meal. I also drove a handicapped school bus for 20 years. I do not have a PSW certificate but have been trained in CPR/First Aid. I have a Police Check, up-to-date immunizations and my own vehicle. References from previous clients can be provided. I am only looking for part-time hrs within the Rockland/Bourget area.
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From $20 per hour \
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Senior Care in Bourget

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