Senior Care in Borden-Carleton

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Marinel G.
1 Verification
  • From $15 /hr
  • Borden-Carleton
1 Verification
I want to care an elderly one because I know my capabilities of doing it.
| I am a mother of 2, I am looking for a job, I had my previous experienced I taking care of an elderly when I was in my highschool - college days, not seen in my experiences in resume because I was a working student that time.
... more
  • From $15 /hr
  • Borden-Carleton
I want to care an elderly one because I know my capabilities of doing it.
| I am a mother of 2, I am looking for a job, I had my previous experienced I taking care of an elderly when I was in my highschool - college days, not seen in my experiences in resume because I was a working student that time.
... more
From $15 per hour \
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Senior Care in Borden-Carleton

When do you need senior care?