Senior Care in Belledune

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Sandy C.
  • From $23 /hr
  • Belledune
Respectful Compassionate Care
| My passion for helping others has led me to this line of work. I enjoy all aspects of home care, including personal care, house keeping, cooking, organizing, errands, etc. I’m a retired hair stylist of 18 years and found a love for home care a few years ago. Looking forward to offer respect, dignity, compassion, comfort & care to those who need support.
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  • From $23 /hr
  • Belledune
Respectful Compassionate Care
| My passion for helping others has led me to this line of work. I enjoy all aspects of home care, including personal care, house keeping, cooking, organizing, errands, etc. I’m a retired hair stylist of 18 years and found a love for home care a few years ago. Looking forward to offer respect, dignity, compassion, comfort & care to those who need support.
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From $23 per hour \
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Senior Care in Belledune

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