Senior Care in Becancour

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Kaitlyn C.
  • From $15 /hr
  • Becancour
I’m a warm hearted, friendly person who will do my very best to meet all of adequate job needs.
| I have been a care giver for 8+ years. I enjoy caring for people. It is good so let them be as independent as possible, but that’s when people like me come in and give a warm welcoming hand to guide through each day. I have worked in nursing facilities for the past 8 years so there isn’t much of anything I haven’t done as far as being a caregiver goes.
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  • From $15 /hr
  • Becancour
I’m a warm hearted, friendly person who will do my very best to meet all of adequate job needs.
| I have been a care giver for 8+ years. I enjoy caring for people. It is good so let them be as independent as possible, but that’s when people like me come in and give a warm welcoming hand to guide through each day. I have worked in nursing facilities for the past 8 years so there isn’t much of anything I haven’t done as far as being a caregiver goes.
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From $15 per hour \
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Senior Care in Becancour

When do you need senior care?