Senior Care in Beaverton

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Kelsey O.
  • From $16 /hr
  • Beaverton
Hi, I'm Kelsey a certified personal support worker who loves to help people
| Certified personal support worker who graduated from fleming college. I have a firm belief in treating others the way I would want myself and my loved ones to be treated and cared for. I am very passionate when it comes to caring for those who can no longer care for themselves. I became a Personal Support worker because of my grandfather who suffered from dementia, seeing how big of an impact the psw's had on my grandfathers life made me want to do that for others. I’m also a mom to a 14 month old so I’m great with kids
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  • From $16 /hr
  • Beaverton
Hi, I'm Kelsey a certified personal support worker who loves to help people
| Certified personal support worker who graduated from fleming college. I have a firm belief in treating others the way I would want myself and my loved ones to be treated and cared for. I am very passionate when it comes to caring for those who can no longer care for themselves. I became a Personal Support worker because of my grandfather who suffered from dementia, seeing how big of an impact the psw's had on my grandfathers life made me want to do that for others. I’m also a mom to a 14 month old so I’m great with kids
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From $16 per hour \
Brittany W.
  • From $23 /hr
  • Beaverton
Hello, my name is Brittany , I am 26 years old, my profession is a personal support worker.
| I am writing to you in honour of seeking a position in Medical fielding. I want to use my work ethics to provide support care to patients and keep things running smoothly. As a highly organised professional with excellent skills in personal support work and support in the medical clinical duties, I am prepared to contribute and put effort into your care assistance goals. My experiences include 1 year in studies of performing personal support work tasks, and First Aid CPR. I have a true passion for helping people in the health profession. Position me to challenge and excel in this role and I am confident my skills and strength will be well endorsed to your environment. I would be pleased to offer more into my qualification.
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  • From $23 /hr
  • Beaverton
Hello, my name is Brittany , I am 26 years old, my profession is a personal support worker.
| I am writing to you in honour of seeking a position in Medical fielding. I want to use my work ethics to provide support care to patients and keep things running smoothly. As a highly organised professional with excellent skills in personal support work and support in the medical clinical duties, I am prepared to contribute and put effort into your care assistance goals. My experiences include 1 year in studies of performing personal support work tasks, and First Aid CPR. I have a true passion for helping people in the health profession. Position me to challenge and excel in this role and I am confident my skills and strength will be well endorsed to your environment. I would be pleased to offer more into my qualification.
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From $23 per hour \
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Senior Care in Beaverton

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