Pet Care in Yorkton

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Kaylynn B.
  • From $10
  • Yorkton
Pet Caretaker, Dog Walker Available for Hire
| My name is Kaylynn B. I am a dog owner myself looking to enjoy our animals by helping you tend to their needs. I am able to take dogs for walks, feed when needed, play with your animals as well as give medication. I am willing to work out of your home, where the dog would feel most comfortable. I am a university student who is reliable, trustworthy, adaptable, and most importantly will love your pet while making sure he or she gets my best care.
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  • From $10
  • Yorkton
Pet Caretaker, Dog Walker Available for Hire
| My name is Kaylynn B. I am a dog owner myself looking to enjoy our animals by helping you tend to their needs. I am able to take dogs for walks, feed when needed, play with your animals as well as give medication. I am willing to work out of your home, where the dog would feel most comfortable. I am a university student who is reliable, trustworthy, adaptable, and most importantly will love your pet while making sure he or she gets my best care.
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From $10 \
Khelsi D.
  • From $10
  • Yorkton
Intelligent animals make intelligent humans! I’m the perfect person you should call!!
| I’m pretty handy, useful, resourceful, and very cheerful! I’m always positive. I absolutely adore any kind of pet a person may have. They are just so amazing, and they unlike humans can sense when a person or their owner is feeling uneasy, stressed, mad, sad, happy, etc... and I find having an animal around me all the tine makes me an overall genuine human I would love to meet your animal (whatever it may be!) I love them all!
... more
  • From $10
  • Yorkton
Intelligent animals make intelligent humans! I’m the perfect person you should call!!
| I’m pretty handy, useful, resourceful, and very cheerful! I’m always positive. I absolutely adore any kind of pet a person may have. They are just so amazing, and they unlike humans can sense when a person or their owner is feeling uneasy, stressed, mad, sad, happy, etc... and I find having an animal around me all the tine makes me an overall genuine human I would love to meet your animal (whatever it may be!) I love them all!
... more
From $10 \
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Pet Care in Yorkton

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