Pet Care in Whitecourt

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Katie D.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Whitecourt
1 Verification
I love to exercise and walks are exercise! Pet care provider
| Hey there, I have pet-sit and walked dogs in the past. I love to exercise and getting out for a nice long walk to walk a pet helps in that department too! Pet care provider
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  • From $10
  • Whitecourt
I love to exercise and walks are exercise! Pet care provider
| Hey there, I have pet-sit and walked dogs in the past. I love to exercise and getting out for a nice long walk to walk a pet helps in that department too! Pet care provider
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From $10 \
Just Like Home Pet & Home Sitting
  • From $10
  • Whitecourt
We care for your pets and home as if they were our own.
| Caring and Responsible Nice to meet you! My name is Sharon. Our priority is for happier pets being lovingly attended to in their own home, by providing professional care when you're not there. Pee and fun recreation breaks, private dog walking and tucking them in securely with overnight sitting. Our speedy “road runner” can quickly pick up your pet’s meds, food, or squeaky toy. Pet chauffeur, ready with hat and white gloves, will transport your precious pet to your desired destination. Confidently experienced in house and pet sitting, travel with peace of mind and enjoy a worry-free vacation, knowing your vacant home will be checked on regularly as we'll be your eyes of assurance. (Tip: Did you know, the home security checks validates your home owner’s insurance vacancy coverage!) Loving your pets and treating them as if they are our own and giving your home and property our greatest attention is a service we strive to provide. We're not just caring for pets and homes, we're creating satisfying, meaningful relationships. All of our clients rate us 5 stars!! We create meaningful relationships with you and your pets!
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  • From $10
  • Whitecourt
We care for your pets and home as if they were our own.
| Caring and Responsible Nice to meet you! My name is Sharon. Our priority is for happier pets being lovingly attended to in their own home, by providing professional care when you're not there. Pee and fun recreation breaks, private dog walking and tucking them in securely with overnight sitting. Our speedy “road runner” can quickly pick up your pet’s meds, food, or squeaky toy. Pet chauffeur, ready with hat and white gloves, will transport your precious pet to your desired destination. Confidently experienced in house and pet sitting, travel with peace of mind and enjoy a worry-free vacation, knowing your vacant home will be checked on regularly as we'll be your eyes of assurance. (Tip: Did you know, the home security checks validates your home owner’s insurance vacancy coverage!) Loving your pets and treating them as if they are our own and giving your home and property our greatest attention is a service we strive to provide. We're not just caring for pets and homes, we're creating satisfying, meaningful relationships. All of our clients rate us 5 stars!! We create meaningful relationships with you and your pets!
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From $10 \
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Pet Care in Whitecourt

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