Pet Care in White Rock

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Deanna V.
  • From $10
  • White Rock
Love love love animals and to keep them from being lonely when their owners are away
| I’m a lover of all Animals even spiders and snakes (lol but won’t sit them) I can provide overnites at my home. Any special needs would b negotiable and extended stays I am also open to
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  • From $10
  • White Rock
Love love love animals and to keep them from being lonely when their owners are away
| I’m a lover of all Animals even spiders and snakes (lol but won’t sit them) I can provide overnites at my home. Any special needs would b negotiable and extended stays I am also open to
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From $10 \
Fayeth M.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • White Rock
1 Verification
Veterinary Assistant with 10+ years pet experience :)
| Hi there! My name is Fayeth, and I am a registered Veterinary Healthcare Assistant currently working in a veterinary clinic! I'm looking to make some extra income by taking care of your fur babies! I have had pets all my life; small, extra large and everything in between! I've also had pocket pets and reptiles! I currently have 2 dogs; a 7 year old Shih Tzu X Bichon Frise named Romyn - my little man that I've had his whole life and I have an 8 year old German Rottweiler that I've had since he was a puppy - he's my big snuggler and thinks he's the same size as Romyn! I also have a 3 year old rescue bunny named Twix (although we all call her Bun-Bun) who is a Lion head mix, and an adolescent Ball Python rescue named Maleficent. I'm quite experienced when it comes to handling and general pet care across the board species wise! I'm very easy-going and flexible when it comes to pet care; popping in for feeding and watering, staying over night or for long term care, walks and even grooming - I like to base it off of your concerns and the pets needs in question. I do work part-time during the week, but would love to fill my time watching your little family members!
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  • From $10
  • White Rock
Veterinary Assistant with 10+ years pet experience :)
| Hi there! My name is Fayeth, and I am a registered Veterinary Healthcare Assistant currently working in a veterinary clinic! I'm looking to make some extra income by taking care of your fur babies! I have had pets all my life; small, extra large and everything in between! I've also had pocket pets and reptiles! I currently have 2 dogs; a 7 year old Shih Tzu X Bichon Frise named Romyn - my little man that I've had his whole life and I have an 8 year old German Rottweiler that I've had since he was a puppy - he's my big snuggler and thinks he's the same size as Romyn! I also have a 3 year old rescue bunny named Twix (although we all call her Bun-Bun) who is a Lion head mix, and an adolescent Ball Python rescue named Maleficent. I'm quite experienced when it comes to handling and general pet care across the board species wise! I'm very easy-going and flexible when it comes to pet care; popping in for feeding and watering, staying over night or for long term care, walks and even grooming - I like to base it off of your concerns and the pets needs in question. I do work part-time during the week, but would love to fill my time watching your little family members!
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From $10 \
Carol C.
1 Verification
  • From $20
  • White Rock
1 Verification
Your pet(s)will be loved and cared for as if they were my own!
| Of course I love animals! I have experience with both cats and dogs. Currently I own two cats, one is 13 yrs and one is 8 yrs, I have had them both since they were kittens. I am semi-retired and filling my time with what I love to do best, being with animals. I am an avid runner and walker and I am available to exercise your dogs! I can take your dogs on walks/runs. I live close to trails, and a dog park. These can be short or long walks/runs depending what your dogs needs are! 30 min walk $25 and 60 min walk $40. I am available to feed, play with your cats, clean their litter boxes etc both for short term periods of time as well as longer periods of time. I will love and treat your pets like they are my very own!
... more
  • From $20
  • White Rock
Your pet(s)will be loved and cared for as if they were my own!
| Of course I love animals! I have experience with both cats and dogs. Currently I own two cats, one is 13 yrs and one is 8 yrs, I have had them both since they were kittens. I am semi-retired and filling my time with what I love to do best, being with animals. I am an avid runner and walker and I am available to exercise your dogs! I can take your dogs on walks/runs. I live close to trails, and a dog park. These can be short or long walks/runs depending what your dogs needs are! 30 min walk $25 and 60 min walk $40. I am available to feed, play with your cats, clean their litter boxes etc both for short term periods of time as well as longer periods of time. I will love and treat your pets like they are my very own!
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From $20 \
Emma S.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • White Rock
1 Verification
Reliable and hardworking animal person!
| I am a university student who loves animals and being outdoors and active. I'd truly love to walk/feed/look after your pets! I have a car for easy transportation and a flexible schedule. I hope you will consider me!
... more
  • From $10
  • White Rock
Reliable and hardworking animal person!
| I am a university student who loves animals and being outdoors and active. I'd truly love to walk/feed/look after your pets! I have a car for easy transportation and a flexible schedule. I hope you will consider me!
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From $10 \
Lisa G.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • White Rock
1 Verification
Lisa's fun care pet care and dog walking services
| First aid, caregiving background, many years experience with #######.## a caring,fun,active person.
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  • From $10
  • White Rock
Lisa's fun care pet care and dog walking services
| First aid, caregiving background, many years experience with #######.## a caring,fun,active person.
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From $10 \
Did you know...
The average hourly rate for pet caregivers in White Rock is between $16 and $20
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Pet Care in White Rock

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