Pet Care in Wetaskiwin

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Melissa J.
  • From $10
  • Wetaskiwin
I am located in Wetaskiwin Alberta
| I have many pets in my life. I love being around animals. :)
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  • From $10
  • Wetaskiwin
I am located in Wetaskiwin Alberta
| I have many pets in my life. I love being around animals. :)
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From $10 \
Kaylee M.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Wetaskiwin
1 Verification
Passionate, caring, organized, and clean
| It has always been my desire to care for and be with animals for a very long time, I don't view animal care as work. It's a passion for me to help animal's and care for them when needed. I graduated from Olds College in the fall of 2016 as a Veterinary Medical Assistant. I have a passionate soul and caring heart which is very important when my time is involved around the well being of animals. I worked in the veterinary field for 7 years, and have experience with animals past that. I have cared for clients animals in the past including pet sitting for friends and family. I am also experienced in administering medication for pets who need it, which includes your regular pills or injections for diabetic pets. I am able to give you references if necessary. Please feel free to message me with any questions or concerns you have! I look forward in taking care of your beloved pets in the near future, and I look forward to hearing from you! Thank you.
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  • From $10
  • Wetaskiwin
Passionate, caring, organized, and clean
| It has always been my desire to care for and be with animals for a very long time, I don't view animal care as work. It's a passion for me to help animal's and care for them when needed. I graduated from Olds College in the fall of 2016 as a Veterinary Medical Assistant. I have a passionate soul and caring heart which is very important when my time is involved around the well being of animals. I worked in the veterinary field for 7 years, and have experience with animals past that. I have cared for clients animals in the past including pet sitting for friends and family. I am also experienced in administering medication for pets who need it, which includes your regular pills or injections for diabetic pets. I am able to give you references if necessary. Please feel free to message me with any questions or concerns you have! I look forward in taking care of your beloved pets in the near future, and I look forward to hearing from you! Thank you.
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From $10 \
Shane W.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Wetaskiwin
1 Verification
Positive reinforcement trainer
| I have operated a home-based dog training and boarding business for the past two decades, as well as volunteered for and managed a BCSPCA branch. Recently relocated to Wetaskiwin, looking for new clientele. I have a passionate interest in animal behaviour and have trained and rehabilitated hundreds of animals with positive reinforcement techniques. I studied with Jean Donaldson at the San Francisco SPCA Academy For Dog Trainers and have earned accreditation from the Certification Council of Pet Dog Trainers. Meeting new dogs is still my favourite thing, and I'd love to care for yours! Dogs are most definitely allowed on the furniture and in the bed! If your dog needs special attention such as injections, ear cleaning or anything else, just let me know and I will accommodate. I have a large home with a fenced backyard. There are 2 small dogs to play with yours, and the default is everyone hanging out on couches or in crates, watching me cook or read. But if needed, your dog can have his/her own bedroom and go outside with just me for company. It all depends on what will make the dogs the most relaxed and happy.
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  • From $10
  • Wetaskiwin
Positive reinforcement trainer
| I have operated a home-based dog training and boarding business for the past two decades, as well as volunteered for and managed a BCSPCA branch. Recently relocated to Wetaskiwin, looking for new clientele. I have a passionate interest in animal behaviour and have trained and rehabilitated hundreds of animals with positive reinforcement techniques. I studied with Jean Donaldson at the San Francisco SPCA Academy For Dog Trainers and have earned accreditation from the Certification Council of Pet Dog Trainers. Meeting new dogs is still my favourite thing, and I'd love to care for yours! Dogs are most definitely allowed on the furniture and in the bed! If your dog needs special attention such as injections, ear cleaning or anything else, just let me know and I will accommodate. I have a large home with a fenced backyard. There are 2 small dogs to play with yours, and the default is everyone hanging out on couches or in crates, watching me cook or read. But if needed, your dog can have his/her own bedroom and go outside with just me for company. It all depends on what will make the dogs the most relaxed and happy.
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From $10 \
Joellene W.
  • From $10
  • Wetaskiwin
Hey my name is joellene and I'm a 32 year old animal lover who would love to look after your pets
| I grew up on a farm and have had and been raising animals my whole life
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  • From $10
  • Wetaskiwin
Hey my name is joellene and I'm a 32 year old animal lover who would love to look after your pets
| I grew up on a farm and have had and been raising animals my whole life
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From $10 \
Joellene W.
  • From $10
  • Wetaskiwin
Hi I'm a 31 year old woman who has a passion for animals,and would be responsible with your pet.
| I grew up on a farm,and have had animals my whole life,I can communicate more with them then humans.
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  • From $10
  • Wetaskiwin
Hi I'm a 31 year old woman who has a passion for animals,and would be responsible with your pet.
| I grew up on a farm,and have had animals my whole life,I can communicate more with them then humans.
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From $10 \
Did you know...
The average hourly rate for pet caregivers in Wetaskiwin is between $16 and $20
Jazmyne B.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Wetaskiwin
1 Verification
Been around animals, my whole life! Love being around them
| Been taking care of cats and dogs my whole life, they make life so much better! I’m a stay home mom looking for extra work when my son is at school!
... more
  • From $10
  • Wetaskiwin
Been around animals, my whole life! Love being around them
| Been taking care of cats and dogs my whole life, they make life so much better! I’m a stay home mom looking for extra work when my son is at school!
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From $10 \
Emily W.
  • From $10
  • Wetaskiwin
I can watch your pets!
| I have always had pets my whole life. I always have been good with animals and love being around them. I even currently have two kittens at home and when back at my parents place there is a fully grown German Shepherd. So I am able to walk dogs of any level of energy or size.
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  • From $10
  • Wetaskiwin
I can watch your pets!
| I have always had pets my whole life. I always have been good with animals and love being around them. I even currently have two kittens at home and when back at my parents place there is a fully grown German Shepherd. So I am able to walk dogs of any level of energy or size.
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From $10 \
Rebekah F.
1 Verification
  • From $15
  • Wetaskiwin
1 Verification
Pet’s Best friend
| I’ve done pet care for dogs, cats, fish and birds many times, including feeding exercising, giving medicine, etc. I owned my little dog Pooky for 16 years, and my cat Mellow for about 12 years, so I’m very familiar with the day to day care needed for pets. I’ve also watched pets for friends and neighbours for several days in a row before, including cats, dogs, bird, lizards, and fish.
... more
  • From $15
  • Wetaskiwin
Pet’s Best friend
| I’ve done pet care for dogs, cats, fish and birds many times, including feeding exercising, giving medicine, etc. I owned my little dog Pooky for 16 years, and my cat Mellow for about 12 years, so I’m very familiar with the day to day care needed for pets. I’ve also watched pets for friends and neighbours for several days in a row before, including cats, dogs, bird, lizards, and fish.
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From $15 \
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Pet Care in Wetaskiwin

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