Pet Care in West Chezzetcook

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Rachel S.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • West Chezzetcook
1 Verification
Zoologist and animal care technician with plenty of experience working with animals here to help!
| I grew up with a bird and a gecko, but our family would constantly dog-sit for other families. I'm an unpaid intern at a wildlife rehabilitation center who is looking for some extra cash and would love to work more with animals!
... more
  • From $10
  • West Chezzetcook
Zoologist and animal care technician with plenty of experience working with animals here to help!
| I grew up with a bird and a gecko, but our family would constantly dog-sit for other families. I'm an unpaid intern at a wildlife rehabilitation center who is looking for some extra cash and would love to work more with animals!
... more
From $10 \
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Pet Care in West Chezzetcook

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