Pet Care in Union Bay

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Judi R.
  • From $10
  • Union Bay
Safe, happy and loved.
| In my life, I have owned many animals all sizes and types. Now my stumpy, Cutter and I live in the quiet little community of Union Bay. I specialize in caring for senior animals or animals with special needs. While your pet is in my care, it will be safe and happy. Animals love me. They are safe with me. Your home is safe with me. Please contact me for clients' recommendations.
... more
  • From $10
  • Union Bay
Safe, happy and loved.
| In my life, I have owned many animals all sizes and types. Now my stumpy, Cutter and I live in the quiet little community of Union Bay. I specialize in caring for senior animals or animals with special needs. While your pet is in my care, it will be safe and happy. Animals love me. They are safe with me. Your home is safe with me. Please contact me for clients' recommendations.
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From $10 \
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Pet Care in Union Bay

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