Pet Care in Selkirk

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Maryn C.
  • From $10
  • Selkirk
Loveable, responsible, energetic pet sitter ready for action!!
| Hello there! I am a young adult female ready to take care of your pets!! I have a cat and everyone in my family and boyfriends family has dogs. I am extremely familiar and comfortable with pets all around. I can walk, feed, play, cuddle, love your pets, basically what ever is needed!
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  • From $10
  • Selkirk
Loveable, responsible, energetic pet sitter ready for action!!
| Hello there! I am a young adult female ready to take care of your pets!! I have a cat and everyone in my family and boyfriends family has dogs. I am extremely familiar and comfortable with pets all around. I can walk, feed, play, cuddle, love your pets, basically what ever is needed!
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From $10 \
Sara C.
  • From $10
  • Selkirk
I am a big animal lover with a big dog at home and 2 cats!
| I have had two big dogs in my life, one was met with lots of aggression due to his old owner so I can deal with that side of a dog well. My current dog, Ebony is sweet but it not a huge people person. She is very shy and does not like to get too close to people unless it's on her own terms! My cats are very lovable but they do get into some very big brawls here and there so I can also deal with that very well. I'm my life my household had had about 13 snakes, 4 turtles, lots of hamsters and Guinea pigs, 2 dogs, 4 cats and lots of kittens!
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  • From $10
  • Selkirk
I am a big animal lover with a big dog at home and 2 cats!
| I have had two big dogs in my life, one was met with lots of aggression due to his old owner so I can deal with that side of a dog well. My current dog, Ebony is sweet but it not a huge people person. She is very shy and does not like to get too close to people unless it's on her own terms! My cats are very lovable but they do get into some very big brawls here and there so I can also deal with that very well. I'm my life my household had had about 13 snakes, 4 turtles, lots of hamsters and Guinea pigs, 2 dogs, 4 cats and lots of kittens!
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From $10 \
Jennifer S.
  • From $10
  • Selkirk
Animal lover looking to help other animal lovers keep there furbabies well taken care of!
| I absolutely love animals and everything about them! I've owned dogs and cat my whole life and have always considered them family. I worked at Pet Valu in Selkirk for a year and learned a lot about healthy food and different stages of animals lives and the needs that vary. I can provide walks, feeding, cleaning kitty litter, grooming and of course the best part PLAYTIME & CUDDLES!! I work a 9am to 6pm job Monday to Friday so evenings and weekends I will be available.
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  • From $10
  • Selkirk
Animal lover looking to help other animal lovers keep there furbabies well taken care of!
| I absolutely love animals and everything about them! I've owned dogs and cat my whole life and have always considered them family. I worked at Pet Valu in Selkirk for a year and learned a lot about healthy food and different stages of animals lives and the needs that vary. I can provide walks, feeding, cleaning kitty litter, grooming and of course the best part PLAYTIME & CUDDLES!! I work a 9am to 6pm job Monday to Friday so evenings and weekends I will be available.
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From $10 \
Rhea W.
1 Verification
  • From $15
  • Selkirk
1 Verification
Loving pets is my Forte!
| Pet & house sitting is my experience going back many years. Understanding their happy place and being sure they get their exercise and loving daily is what I love to give. I have a small Chihuahua I like to take with me. But can leave at home too. I'd ideally like to stay within 10 min of my area. Hwy 59 & 202. But can male further trips for paid travel time. Thank you.
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  • From $15
  • Selkirk
Loving pets is my Forte!
| Pet & house sitting is my experience going back many years. Understanding their happy place and being sure they get their exercise and loving daily is what I love to give. I have a small Chihuahua I like to take with me. But can leave at home too. I'd ideally like to stay within 10 min of my area. Hwy 59 & 202. But can male further trips for paid travel time. Thank you.
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From $15 \
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Pet Care in Selkirk

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