Pet Care in Seeleys Bay

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Allyson L.
1 Verification
  • From $15
  • Seeleys Bay
1 Verification
My names Ally, I am 24 and a huge lover of all furry creatures!
| Growing up I was one of those kids that would find abandoned or lost animals on the street and run home crying and begging my mom if we could please keep it, the answer was usually no but we would always check for a collar or tags then take it back home or call the animal shelters to come pick the lost pet up. The older I got the more I began to realize how much I love and care for animals, I began to volunteer in my community and surrounding area I learned how much of a financial and emotional drain it was to take care of animals, but of course it issue rewarding. I wanted to do my part to help these poor innocent animals and I began volunteering after school and during the summer whenever I had the chance. I have the experience with feeding, cleaning, adoptions, medical care, general upkeep of all different kinds of animals. I love animals of all different shapes and sizes, their my passion. I am from a farm just outside Kingston and I attend St. Lawrence College on my way to becoming a vet tech. I own a dog, 3 cats and 1 horse and I love them all unconditionally. I have experience of working at a vet clinic and I think I can contribute to taking care of your beloved pet.
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  • From $15
  • Seeleys Bay
My names Ally, I am 24 and a huge lover of all furry creatures!
| Growing up I was one of those kids that would find abandoned or lost animals on the street and run home crying and begging my mom if we could please keep it, the answer was usually no but we would always check for a collar or tags then take it back home or call the animal shelters to come pick the lost pet up. The older I got the more I began to realize how much I love and care for animals, I began to volunteer in my community and surrounding area I learned how much of a financial and emotional drain it was to take care of animals, but of course it issue rewarding. I wanted to do my part to help these poor innocent animals and I began volunteering after school and during the summer whenever I had the chance. I have the experience with feeding, cleaning, adoptions, medical care, general upkeep of all different kinds of animals. I love animals of all different shapes and sizes, their my passion. I am from a farm just outside Kingston and I attend St. Lawrence College on my way to becoming a vet tech. I own a dog, 3 cats and 1 horse and I love them all unconditionally. I have experience of working at a vet clinic and I think I can contribute to taking care of your beloved pet.
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From $15 \
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Pet Care in Seeleys Bay

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