Pet Care in Rouleau

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Janelle G.
  • From $10
  • Rouleau
My name is Janelle and I'm an animal lover!!
| I have a canine pet stylist certification (which included a pet first aid course), been a kennel attendant at Paws Wright Inn in Regina, a daycare attendant at Crazy Tails in Saskatoon and a dog sitter on numerous occasions! I know that pets are family and I would love nothing more than to help care for your fur babies! :)
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  • From $10
  • Rouleau
My name is Janelle and I'm an animal lover!!
| I have a canine pet stylist certification (which included a pet first aid course), been a kennel attendant at Paws Wright Inn in Regina, a daycare attendant at Crazy Tails in Saskatoon and a dog sitter on numerous occasions! I know that pets are family and I would love nothing more than to help care for your fur babies! :)
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From $10 \
Jamie R.
  • From $10
  • Rouleau
I am an 18 year old female who loves animals and is looking for a fun summer job!
| I have always had pets since I was little and I pet sit during the winter months for families in my town. I have worked with all sizes of dogs and cats. I have experience in walking, feeding, grooming and giving medication
... more
  • From $10
  • Rouleau
I am an 18 year old female who loves animals and is looking for a fun summer job!
| I have always had pets since I was little and I pet sit during the winter months for families in my town. I have worked with all sizes of dogs and cats. I have experience in walking, feeding, grooming and giving medication
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From $10 \
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Pet Care in Rouleau

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