Pet Care in Rigaud

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Christine G.
  • From $10
  • Rigaud
I am , reliable, dedicated, honest and put my whole heart into whatever i do.
| up to about 5yrs ago i was volunteering for the Humane Society Canada with the rescues that they seized from puppy mills. This was so rewarding especially to see the state that they came in to the time they were fostered out. I fostered one that was not doing well at the rescue they asked me if i would try, well it was hard but again rewarding to see after weeks and weeks of getting to know him and him to know me i ended up adopting him. ( I am a foster fail) I had him for 10yrs and he recently passed away at 16yrs of age of liver and kidney and many other issues. I would like to spend my time caring for other peoples dogs .
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  • From $10
  • Rigaud
I am , reliable, dedicated, honest and put my whole heart into whatever i do.
| up to about 5yrs ago i was volunteering for the Humane Society Canada with the rescues that they seized from puppy mills. This was so rewarding especially to see the state that they came in to the time they were fostered out. I fostered one that was not doing well at the rescue they asked me if i would try, well it was hard but again rewarding to see after weeks and weeks of getting to know him and him to know me i ended up adopting him. ( I am a foster fail) I had him for 10yrs and he recently passed away at 16yrs of age of liver and kidney and many other issues. I would like to spend my time caring for other peoples dogs .
... more
From $10 \
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Pet Care in Rigaud

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