Pet Care in Red Deer County

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Victoria L.
  • From $10
  • Red Deer County
My name’s Victoria and I am college student in my second year of my bachelor of science!
| I am an animal lover and I have many of my own animals! I am able to stay the night and care for your fur babies as well as walk, feed and give them all the love they’re missing when you’re gone!! Contact me
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  • From $10
  • Red Deer County
My name’s Victoria and I am college student in my second year of my bachelor of science!
| I am an animal lover and I have many of my own animals! I am able to stay the night and care for your fur babies as well as walk, feed and give them all the love they’re missing when you’re gone!! Contact me
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From $10 \
Hannah K.
1 Verification
  • From $15
  • Red Deer County
1 Verification
Kind respectful young lady looking to earn some extra cash
| Grew up on a farm my whole life surrounded by many dogs and many cats as well as cattle. I beleive that animals are meant to be treated with the same level of care as our human friends. Lots of love and respect.
... more
  • From $15
  • Red Deer County
Kind respectful young lady looking to earn some extra cash
| Grew up on a farm my whole life surrounded by many dogs and many cats as well as cattle. I beleive that animals are meant to be treated with the same level of care as our human friends. Lots of love and respect.
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From $15 \
Kayla S.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Red Deer County
1 Verification
I am a loving nurturing cat owner looking for jobs outside my home with dogs or cats
| I am a cat owner of almost 10 years now I have 2 cats one is around 9-10 and the other is 3-4 I am comfortable working with dogs and cats and am honestly open to sitting all kinds of pets as long as they are trained not to attack and I am told what’s needed to care for them. I have had a dog as well but at the time no one was home enough for a dog to live with us so we gave him to a loving family farm ( we ensured his safety and happiness) where he still Iives and loves to run free. My timetable has cleared up so much since then I’m looking for odd jobs to keep me afloat
... more
  • From $10
  • Red Deer County
I am a loving nurturing cat owner looking for jobs outside my home with dogs or cats
| I am a cat owner of almost 10 years now I have 2 cats one is around 9-10 and the other is 3-4 I am comfortable working with dogs and cats and am honestly open to sitting all kinds of pets as long as they are trained not to attack and I am told what’s needed to care for them. I have had a dog as well but at the time no one was home enough for a dog to live with us so we gave him to a loving family farm ( we ensured his safety and happiness) where he still Iives and loves to run free. My timetable has cleared up so much since then I’m looking for odd jobs to keep me afloat
... more
From $10 \
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Pet Care in Red Deer County

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