Pet Care in Phelpston

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Tayah R.
  • From $10
  • Phelpston
I’ve had animals my whole life and absolutely love them.
| He’ll, my names Tayah I’ve worked with pets my whole life. I’ve had multiple dogs cats and horses so I know exactly how to take care of them. I did a co-op at a dog groomer and absolutely loved it. I’m a very reliable and trustworthy person and will treat you animal as if they are my own. I’m currently unrolled at Georgian college to become a veterinarian and do have references if you would like.
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  • From $10
  • Phelpston
I’ve had animals my whole life and absolutely love them.
| He’ll, my names Tayah I’ve worked with pets my whole life. I’ve had multiple dogs cats and horses so I know exactly how to take care of them. I did a co-op at a dog groomer and absolutely loved it. I’m a very reliable and trustworthy person and will treat you animal as if they are my own. I’m currently unrolled at Georgian college to become a veterinarian and do have references if you would like.
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From $10 \
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Pet Care in Phelpston

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