Pet Care in Petrolia

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Anna H.
  • From $10
  • Petrolia
I look forward to hearing from you! :)
| Hey! My name is Anna. I am very much an animal lover, and I probably love animals more than humans, haha! I grew up with dogs, and have lived with them for 13 years. I am very experienced in caring and loving animals. Thanks for reading this!
... more
  • From $10
  • Petrolia
I look forward to hearing from you! :)
| Hey! My name is Anna. I am very much an animal lover, and I probably love animals more than humans, haha! I grew up with dogs, and have lived with them for 13 years. I am very experienced in caring and loving animals. Thanks for reading this!
... more
From $10 \
Myra T.
  • From $10
  • Petrolia
Pet lover will help out in anyway needed!
| Good day! I have Had plenty of pets over the years and helped many of my family and friends rake care of theirs. I love animals and I can do whatever Is needed to take care of your lovely pets! So if you need a dog walker someone to go over to feed your animals, give your animals company, groom them so basic things like brushing washing sort of thing. To play with them, anything like that! Otherwise I hope you and your pets have a wonderful day!!
... more
  • From $10
  • Petrolia
Pet lover will help out in anyway needed!
| Good day! I have Had plenty of pets over the years and helped many of my family and friends rake care of theirs. I love animals and I can do whatever Is needed to take care of your lovely pets! So if you need a dog walker someone to go over to feed your animals, give your animals company, groom them so basic things like brushing washing sort of thing. To play with them, anything like that! Otherwise I hope you and your pets have a wonderful day!!
... more
From $10 \
Becky H.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Petrolia
1 Verification
Taking care of your pet is my priority.
| * Certified in Veterinarian Assistant and Grooming * Knowledgeable with different ages and breeds of dogs that have their own activity levels and can match to their needs. * I can administrate medication if you can not or uncomfortable doing. * Large fenced in backyard and my home is directly across a local park. * Continuing my education for Vet Tech * Worked in clinic setting
... more
  • From $10
  • Petrolia
Taking care of your pet is my priority.
| * Certified in Veterinarian Assistant and Grooming * Knowledgeable with different ages and breeds of dogs that have their own activity levels and can match to their needs. * I can administrate medication if you can not or uncomfortable doing. * Large fenced in backyard and my home is directly across a local park. * Continuing my education for Vet Tech * Worked in clinic setting
... more
From $10 \
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Pet Care in Petrolia

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