Pet Care in Omemee

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Tara M.
  • From $10
  • Omemee
Pet Sitter or Dog Walker
| I'm a graduate of the Animal Care program at Durham College, on October 2021. I've also been a longtime volunteer at the Field of Dreams farm and the Humane Society of Kawartha Lakes. I love working with cats, dogs, small animals, and horses.
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  • From $10
  • Omemee
Pet Sitter or Dog Walker
| I'm a graduate of the Animal Care program at Durham College, on October 2021. I've also been a longtime volunteer at the Field of Dreams farm and the Humane Society of Kawartha Lakes. I love working with cats, dogs, small animals, and horses.
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From $10 \
Sara C.
  • From $20
  • Omemee
I adore animals and I'm looking forward to being able to take care of your pets.
| Hi, my name is Sara. I'm a 19 year old college student who loves animals. I've been taking care of family and friend's pets for roughly 4 years and wanted to start branching out. My family has had pets since I was born and I must say they get spoiled around here. I understand that your pet is apart of the family and I'm looking forward to taking very good care of them. I'm also a very neat and organized person and guarantee a clean home when you return. If you have any questions, at all please feel free to reach out.
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  • From $20
  • Omemee
I adore animals and I'm looking forward to being able to take care of your pets.
| Hi, my name is Sara. I'm a 19 year old college student who loves animals. I've been taking care of family and friend's pets for roughly 4 years and wanted to start branching out. My family has had pets since I was born and I must say they get spoiled around here. I understand that your pet is apart of the family and I'm looking forward to taking very good care of them. I'm also a very neat and organized person and guarantee a clean home when you return. If you have any questions, at all please feel free to reach out.
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From $20 \
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Pet Care in Omemee

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