Pet Care in Noonan

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Liliane L.
  • From $10
  • Fredericton
I will take care of your pets while you are away.
| I am interested to take care of your pet. If you want information, just write to me and it will be my pleasure to answer the fastest possible.
... more
  • From $10
  • Fredericton
I will take care of your pets while you are away.
| I am interested to take care of your pet. If you want information, just write to me and it will be my pleasure to answer the fastest possible.
... more
Liliane is flat out great. We came from out of town and hired her for an entire day so we could attend a wedding. She’s super energetic and really has a way of engaging with kids that’s refreshing to see. She was able to look after them for the whole day including night routine without a hitch, no easy feat when dealing with a 2 and 3 year old you’ve never met. We found her to be mature and easy to communicate with. By the end of the night we tried to convince her to move back to Ottawa with us to be our Nanny. I wholeheartedly recommend Liliane"
... "more
Reviewed by Karina H.
From $10 \
Chloe H.
  • From $15
  • Noonan
Honest, reliable loving pet walker and sitter
| I’m down for any type of animal care whether it’s a quick feeding or just spending time or walking so they aren’t alone. Message me with what your needs are and we can arrange! I’m in the noonan area but I do travel to Fredericton every day for my job.
... more
  • From $15
  • Noonan
Honest, reliable loving pet walker and sitter
| I’m down for any type of animal care whether it’s a quick feeding or just spending time or walking so they aren’t alone. Message me with what your needs are and we can arrange! I’m in the noonan area but I do travel to Fredericton every day for my job.
... more
From $15 \
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Pet Care in Noonan

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