Pet Care in Lake Cowichan

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Jenna P.
  • From $10
  • Lake Cowichan
Animal lover with fairly open schedule in Chemainus
| Raised by a family of animals lovers, currently have two awesome tuxedo kitties that have traveled all across Canada with us and hoping to get a dog, some chickens and more once we buy some land out here. My 4 year old daughter is amazing with animals and I think that pet sitting will be a fun way to save up money for her to be able to help afford more pets someday. Just moved out to Chemainus and would love to help out anyone with any animals when they are away from home, whether it be at our place or yours.
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  • From $10
  • Lake Cowichan
Animal lover with fairly open schedule in Chemainus
| Raised by a family of animals lovers, currently have two awesome tuxedo kitties that have traveled all across Canada with us and hoping to get a dog, some chickens and more once we buy some land out here. My 4 year old daughter is amazing with animals and I think that pet sitting will be a fun way to save up money for her to be able to help afford more pets someday. Just moved out to Chemainus and would love to help out anyone with any animals when they are away from home, whether it be at our place or yours.
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From $10 \
Kayla S.
  • From $10
  • Lake Cowichan
Let me meet your best friend!
| Hi there! I absolutely love animals and treat them with compassion. I love meeting new animals, taking them for long walks, hikes or just lazing around giving them pets and snuggles. I have a 19 year old cat that I've had since her eyes opened. I use to board huskies so I am very comfortable with larger dogs, I also have the enthusiasm to match theirs! I have also cared for lizards and fish and would love to learn more about farm animals. Animals are very drawn to me as I am to them. I hope to meet yours!
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  • From $10
  • Lake Cowichan
Let me meet your best friend!
| Hi there! I absolutely love animals and treat them with compassion. I love meeting new animals, taking them for long walks, hikes or just lazing around giving them pets and snuggles. I have a 19 year old cat that I've had since her eyes opened. I use to board huskies so I am very comfortable with larger dogs, I also have the enthusiasm to match theirs! I have also cared for lizards and fish and would love to learn more about farm animals. Animals are very drawn to me as I am to them. I hope to meet yours!
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From $10 \
Mady T.
  • From $10
  • Lake Cowichan
A nice pet care giving person
| I am good with taking care of pets, i have 3 cats and a dog and would love to help out with other peoples animals
... more
  • From $10
  • Lake Cowichan
A nice pet care giving person
| I am good with taking care of pets, i have 3 cats and a dog and would love to help out with other peoples animals
... more
From $10 \
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Pet Care in Lake Cowichan

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