Pet Care in Kinburn

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Mike H.
  • From $20
  • Kinburn
Down to earth and caring pet sitter
| Have cared for and trained multiple dogs over the years. Patience is one of my strengths. Any dog I take care of, gets 100% of my attention and care, plenty of walks and running around, assuming they are in good enough shape to handle it, due to age and any other factors.
... more
  • From $20
  • Kinburn
Down to earth and caring pet sitter
| Have cared for and trained multiple dogs over the years. Patience is one of my strengths. Any dog I take care of, gets 100% of my attention and care, plenty of walks and running around, assuming they are in good enough shape to handle it, due to age and any other factors.
... more
From $20 \
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Pet Care in Kinburn

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