Pet Care in Kentville

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Madison M.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Kentville
1 Verification
Passionate animal lover wanting to fill her time doing what she loves, taking care of animals.
| I have dog and cat sat for a past neighbor for three years, their dog Gus was a large bernese mountain dog and their two cats were of older age. I do have a letter of recommendation from my neighbors if that interests you. A little bit about myself is that I am a responsible and mature 18 year old female student at kingstec and have lived with animals my whole life. As of now I only have fish in my small apartment but at home I have four rabbits, three dogs, and a cat. I have had experience with smaller rodents and all ages of cats and dogs. If you would like to know more I would love to come meet you and your pets! You can contact me by message.
... more
  • From $10
  • Kentville
Passionate animal lover wanting to fill her time doing what she loves, taking care of animals.
| I have dog and cat sat for a past neighbor for three years, their dog Gus was a large bernese mountain dog and their two cats were of older age. I do have a letter of recommendation from my neighbors if that interests you. A little bit about myself is that I am a responsible and mature 18 year old female student at kingstec and have lived with animals my whole life. As of now I only have fish in my small apartment but at home I have four rabbits, three dogs, and a cat. I have had experience with smaller rodents and all ages of cats and dogs. If you would like to know more I would love to come meet you and your pets! You can contact me by message.
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From $10 \
Makayla M.
  • From $10
  • Kentville
If you leave your pets in my hands they will be taken care of with top quality
| I’ve had pets all my life and I love feeding animals and taking dogs for walks
... more
  • From $10
  • Kentville
If you leave your pets in my hands they will be taken care of with top quality
| I’ve had pets all my life and I love feeding animals and taking dogs for walks
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From $10 \
Brooklynn R.
  • From $15
  • Kentville
I am a true animal lover. With a cat and some fish of my own.
| I did a co op within a doggy day care and grooming salon. I dog sat at someone’s house for over a week with 3 large dogs
... more
  • From $15
  • Kentville
I am a true animal lover. With a cat and some fish of my own.
| I did a co op within a doggy day care and grooming salon. I dog sat at someone’s house for over a week with 3 large dogs
... more
From $15 \
Matthew J.
  • From $15
  • Kentville
Hello My name is Matthew. I live in the Annapolis Valley and love dogs!
| I have had Animals ( dog/cat and small rodents) my whole life. Love animals and spending time with my own. I am someone you can trust with your furry family friend. I am active and love to play.
... more
  • From $15
  • Kentville
Hello My name is Matthew. I live in the Annapolis Valley and love dogs!
| I have had Animals ( dog/cat and small rodents) my whole life. Love animals and spending time with my own. I am someone you can trust with your furry family friend. I am active and love to play.
... more
From $15 \
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Pet Care in Kentville

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