Pet Care in Jordan Station

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Sarah F.
1 Verification
  • From $15
  • Jordan Station
1 Verification
Caring, loving of all animals
| 1. Animal Care and Handling Skills 2. Organizational and Time Management Skills 3. Physical Fitness and Stamina 4. Communication and Customer Service Skills Overall, experience in pet care services involves hands-on expertise, a love for animals, strong communication with pet owners, and the ability to manage both pets’ physical needs and emotional well-being.
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  • From $15
  • Jordan Station
Caring, loving of all animals
| 1. Animal Care and Handling Skills 2. Organizational and Time Management Skills 3. Physical Fitness and Stamina 4. Communication and Customer Service Skills Overall, experience in pet care services involves hands-on expertise, a love for animals, strong communication with pet owners, and the ability to manage both pets’ physical needs and emotional well-being.
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From $15 \
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Pet Care in Jordan Station

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