Pet Care in Ingersoll

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Hannah M.
  • From $10
  • Ingersoll
Energetic Dog Walker and Animal Lover
| Hello, My name is Hannah and I am 25 years old. I have had dogs and cats my whole life and I couldn’t imagine living without them. I know how special they are to you and your family and keeping your beloved fur-babies healthy, safe and happy is my number 1 priority! I work in elementary schools caring for children but I believe animals need just as much daily care as kids throughout the day. I have 5 years experience dog-walking and pet-sitting for animals outside of my own home. Message me and we can work something out that best meets your needs and schedule! I look forward to hearing from you :)
... more
  • From $10
  • Ingersoll
Energetic Dog Walker and Animal Lover
| Hello, My name is Hannah and I am 25 years old. I have had dogs and cats my whole life and I couldn’t imagine living without them. I know how special they are to you and your family and keeping your beloved fur-babies healthy, safe and happy is my number 1 priority! I work in elementary schools caring for children but I believe animals need just as much daily care as kids throughout the day. I have 5 years experience dog-walking and pet-sitting for animals outside of my own home. Message me and we can work something out that best meets your needs and schedule! I look forward to hearing from you :)
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From $10 \
Madi G.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Ingersoll
1 Verification
Hi my name is Madi and I’m 18 years old. I recently graduated.
| I’ve grown up with pets in my house my entire life so I’m very familiar with different types of dogs and cats. I’ve always had a love for animals and have been known to rescue multiple animals from bad environments.
... more
  • From $10
  • Ingersoll
Hi my name is Madi and I’m 18 years old. I recently graduated.
| I’ve grown up with pets in my house my entire life so I’m very familiar with different types of dogs and cats. I’ve always had a love for animals and have been known to rescue multiple animals from bad environments.
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From $10 \
Jakob K.
  • From $10
  • Ingersoll
Hard working young adult that loves animals
| Great will all types all animals , due to a medical condition I’m forced to take lighter duty jobs as pet care , home service, and repair
... more
  • From $10
  • Ingersoll
Hard working young adult that loves animals
| Great will all types all animals , due to a medical condition I’m forced to take lighter duty jobs as pet care , home service, and repair
... more
From $10 \
Carrie M.
  • From $15
  • Ingersoll
Caring trustworthy reliable bondable 101% performance and happy personality
| Performed care tasks for horses for 2.5 years on a farm. Performed care tasks for pigs for 2.5 years on a farm Performed care tasks for adult goats and newborn baby goats for 2.5 years in a farm. Performed care tasks for chickens for 2,5 years on a farm.
... more
  • From $15
  • Ingersoll
Caring trustworthy reliable bondable 101% performance and happy personality
| Performed care tasks for horses for 2.5 years on a farm. Performed care tasks for pigs for 2.5 years on a farm Performed care tasks for adult goats and newborn baby goats for 2.5 years in a farm. Performed care tasks for chickens for 2,5 years on a farm.
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From $15 \
Debby A.
  • From $18
  • Ingersoll
My name is Debby, a Reliable Pet Sitter with proven experience.
| My name is Debby, a Reliable Pet Sitter with proven experience providing care for different animal species. In-depth knowledge of animal care and training techniques with a willingness to learn on the job.
... more
  • From $18
  • Ingersoll
My name is Debby, a Reliable Pet Sitter with proven experience.
| My name is Debby, a Reliable Pet Sitter with proven experience providing care for different animal species. In-depth knowledge of animal care and training techniques with a willingness to learn on the job.
... more
From $18 \
Did you know...
The average hourly rate for pet caregivers in Ingersoll is between $16 and $20
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Pet Care in Ingersoll

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