Pet Care in Highgate

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Alicia T.
  • From $10
  • Highgate
Reliable, hardworking, pet caregiver
| Hi! I have several years of experience with taking care of pets. I personally own rats, a dog and a bunny; I take care of my pets very well. I also worked at a veterinary clinic taking care of dogs in kennels and sick pets; I have babysat large dogs overnight and during the day multiple times. I grew up with many animals and a family member as a dog trainer. I have always been surrounded by animals and have taken great care of them.
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  • From $10
  • Highgate
Reliable, hardworking, pet caregiver
| Hi! I have several years of experience with taking care of pets. I personally own rats, a dog and a bunny; I take care of my pets very well. I also worked at a veterinary clinic taking care of dogs in kennels and sick pets; I have babysat large dogs overnight and during the day multiple times. I grew up with many animals and a family member as a dog trainer. I have always been surrounded by animals and have taken great care of them.
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From $10 \
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Pet Care in Highgate

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