Pet Care in Fall River

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Ryleigh C.
  • From $10
  • Fall River
Young girl needing to get away from family lol
| I have an impressive resume and I am also willing to send you good references!! Lots of job experience and lots of experience being around animals. My two border collie pups 15&16 passed away almost a year ago and I miss them terribly so I would really love to be around dogs. Honestly just wanting to be around animals in general, I have 2 cats and lots of experience around horses with horse back riding since I was a kid. I am highly looked at by my peers. Would love to talk more about opportunities available! Thank you
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  • From $10
  • Fall River
Young girl needing to get away from family lol
| I have an impressive resume and I am also willing to send you good references!! Lots of job experience and lots of experience being around animals. My two border collie pups 15&16 passed away almost a year ago and I miss them terribly so I would really love to be around dogs. Honestly just wanting to be around animals in general, I have 2 cats and lots of experience around horses with horse back riding since I was a kid. I am highly looked at by my peers. Would love to talk more about opportunities available! Thank you
... more
From $10 \
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Pet Care in Fall River

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