Dog Sitters in Vineland

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Danielle F.
  • From $10
  • Vineland
A lover of dogs who's ready to spoil your pooch!
| I've never met a dog I haven't loved! I owned dogs throughout my childhood and what I might be lacking professionally, I make up with my enthusiasm! Sadly, I have no dog of my own, so I am looking to spoil your best friend for a couple hours with an exciting adventure outdoors!
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  • From $10
  • Vineland
A lover of dogs who's ready to spoil your pooch!
| I've never met a dog I haven't loved! I owned dogs throughout my childhood and what I might be lacking professionally, I make up with my enthusiasm! Sadly, I have no dog of my own, so I am looking to spoil your best friend for a couple hours with an exciting adventure outdoors!
... more
From $10 \
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Dog Sitters in Vineland

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