Dog Sitters in Sydney

Select from 96 dog sitters near you.

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Karen N.
  • From $19
  • Sydney
Dog sitting service available
| I have had pets my entire life, ranging from dogs to cats to fish. I am able to care for animals, engaging in playtime with them. Feeding, grooming them and walking them.
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  • From $19
  • Sydney
Dog sitting service available
| I have had pets my entire life, ranging from dogs to cats to fish. I am able to care for animals, engaging in playtime with them. Feeding, grooming them and walking them.
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From $19 \
Lisa H.
  • From $10
  • Sydney
I have a natural ability to be able to communicate and understand dogs needs individually
| I have worked with dogs for many years in a lot of different fields through rescuing and rehabilitation. I have fostered puppies, adult dogs and elderly dogs. I have also cared for dogs weighing less then 10 pounds and close to 200 pounds. I believe socialization as well as walks and play all factor into a dogs behavior and health. Exercise makes us all feel better but it is vital to a dog.
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  • From $10
  • Sydney
I have a natural ability to be able to communicate and understand dogs needs individually
| I have worked with dogs for many years in a lot of different fields through rescuing and rehabilitation. I have fostered puppies, adult dogs and elderly dogs. I have also cared for dogs weighing less then 10 pounds and close to 200 pounds. I believe socialization as well as walks and play all factor into a dogs behavior and health. Exercise makes us all feel better but it is vital to a dog.
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From $10 \
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Dog Sitters in Sydney

When do you need pet care?