Dog Sitters in Salmon Arm

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Emily W.
  • From $10
  • Salmon Arm
Pet Sitter in Salmon Arm
| Hi there! My husband and I are animal lovers to say the least. We recently got our own puppy last July. She is a 9 month old Border Collie named Remy. We both grew up with dogs so they are not unfamiliar to us! We are home everyday, all day due to COVID so we have lots of time on our hands and would love to help you out with your furry friends. Remy would love to make some new friends! We live quite close to Little Mountain Park and we walk Remy there twice a day, once at 10:30am and again at 5pm. We would be happy to bring along your dog as well as look after them during the day if you need to be at work etc. Please message me if you have any other questions and I would be happy to chat with you more!
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  • From $10
  • Salmon Arm
Pet Sitter in Salmon Arm
| Hi there! My husband and I are animal lovers to say the least. We recently got our own puppy last July. She is a 9 month old Border Collie named Remy. We both grew up with dogs so they are not unfamiliar to us! We are home everyday, all day due to COVID so we have lots of time on our hands and would love to help you out with your furry friends. Remy would love to make some new friends! We live quite close to Little Mountain Park and we walk Remy there twice a day, once at 10:30am and again at 5pm. We would be happy to bring along your dog as well as look after them during the day if you need to be at work etc. Please message me if you have any other questions and I would be happy to chat with you more!
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From $10 \
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Dog Sitters in Salmon Arm

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