Dog Sitters in Camrose

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Gwen V.
  • From $15
  • Camrose
Am living in Camrose. I have a Real compassion for animals incl dogs esp. tame/ good natured dogs.
| Took care of varied animals mostly dogs & a few cats while babysitting children. Also incl. own parents' dog of walking dog within Neighborhood. Other animals of feeding & walking them too. I admire how animals make great companions & how they provide unconditional acceptance to anyone. I enjoy overall taking care of animals esp petting or walking them outdoors or playing w them in back yard.
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  • From $15
  • Camrose
Am living in Camrose. I have a Real compassion for animals incl dogs esp. tame/ good natured dogs.
| Took care of varied animals mostly dogs & a few cats while babysitting children. Also incl. own parents' dog of walking dog within Neighborhood. Other animals of feeding & walking them too. I admire how animals make great companions & how they provide unconditional acceptance to anyone. I enjoy overall taking care of animals esp petting or walking them outdoors or playing w them in back yard.
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From $15 \
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Dog Sitters in Camrose

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