Dog Sitters in Ariss

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Faythe S.
  • From $10
  • Ariss
Passionate and nurturing dog walker available immediately
| Hi, I'm Faythe and I am 24 years old dog owner that likes to keep active with a very open availability. I have always been an avid animal lover of all shapes and sizes. I have lived in households with four dogs, two cats and their kittens, two parrots, fish, and even a hedgehog all at the same! Sounds almost like zoo, I know but it was also a rewarding experience. I have lots of free time on my hands would love to make some new furry friends.
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  • From $10
  • Ariss
Passionate and nurturing dog walker available immediately
| Hi, I'm Faythe and I am 24 years old dog owner that likes to keep active with a very open availability. I have always been an avid animal lover of all shapes and sizes. I have lived in households with four dogs, two cats and their kittens, two parrots, fish, and even a hedgehog all at the same! Sounds almost like zoo, I know but it was also a rewarding experience. I have lots of free time on my hands would love to make some new furry friends.
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From $10 \
Faythe S.
  • From $10
  • Ariss
Caring, trustworthy, and friendly dog walker
| My name is Faythe and I am a passionate animal lover seeking dog walking opportunities. I am 24 years old and have always been surrounded my animals my whole life. In my spare time I find myself volunteering walking my family's dogs which ranges from puppies to Great Danes, all while taking care of my own dog Loulou, a 15 year old beagle. I would describe myself and energetic, trustworthy and patient individual who genuinely loves animals and the outdoors! I have open availability therefore I have happy to work at various times of the day.
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  • From $10
  • Ariss
Caring, trustworthy, and friendly dog walker
| My name is Faythe and I am a passionate animal lover seeking dog walking opportunities. I am 24 years old and have always been surrounded my animals my whole life. In my spare time I find myself volunteering walking my family's dogs which ranges from puppies to Great Danes, all while taking care of my own dog Loulou, a 15 year old beagle. I would describe myself and energetic, trustworthy and patient individual who genuinely loves animals and the outdoors! I have open availability therefore I have happy to work at various times of the day.
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From $10 \
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Dog Sitters in Ariss

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