Pet Care in Devon

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Lisa D.
1 Verification
  • From $15
  • Devon
1 Verification
Have large fenced yard and close to dog parks.. Make great bird toys .. and cats are the masters
| Okay I shall keep it simple. Retired... lonely hubby still working, can only talk so much to plants.. we do travel so that is why I don't have my own fur baby. Had a dog named sprite.. cat.named.pepsi.. Hamster named Dr. Pepper Cocktail names Kramer and 7 fish tanks. I can multitask..
... more
  • From $15
  • Devon
Have large fenced yard and close to dog parks.. Make great bird toys .. and cats are the masters
| Okay I shall keep it simple. Retired... lonely hubby still working, can only talk so much to plants.. we do travel so that is why I don't have my own fur baby. Had a dog named sprite.. cat.named.pepsi.. Hamster named Dr. Pepper Cocktail names Kramer and 7 fish tanks. I can multitask..
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From $15 \
Kennedy P.
  • From $15
  • Devon
Lots of experience for animals of all sizes.
| Hi, I’m Kennedy. I would love to meet and help you out with your babies. I have owned my own animals since I was a child. I adore them. I am trying to make an extra buck while doing something I love to do. I will make your animal feel special and safe while they are in my care. :) Contact me.
... more
  • From $15
  • Devon
Lots of experience for animals of all sizes.
| Hi, I’m Kennedy. I would love to meet and help you out with your babies. I have owned my own animals since I was a child. I adore them. I am trying to make an extra buck while doing something I love to do. I will make your animal feel special and safe while they are in my care. :) Contact me.
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From $15 \
Anja S.
1 Verification
  • From $15
  • Devon
1 Verification
Devon area pet care provider
| I'm a pet walker/sitter living in he Devon, AB area. I can provide long walks, dog park visits or trail hikes, litter clean up, feeding, and general care for your fuzzy buddy. I grew up on a farm with everything from ducks to goats to dogs.
... more
  • From $15
  • Devon
Devon area pet care provider
| I'm a pet walker/sitter living in he Devon, AB area. I can provide long walks, dog park visits or trail hikes, litter clean up, feeding, and general care for your fuzzy buddy. I grew up on a farm with everything from ducks to goats to dogs.
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From $15 \
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Pet Care in Devon

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